We have been working hard to be able to bring you a safe and exciting
dance season.
As we celebrate our 57th year of dance we know things will look a bit different but we will do everything in our power to bring you a safe home for your dancer to excel.
We truly believe that dancing is good for both the body and the mind. It's brought me so much joy to hear the love and laughter in the studio again as we've started to welcome back our dancers this summer.
It's important, especially in these difficult times, for our children to have an opportunity to exercise, socialize and engage in a safe and healthy way.
The connections we form through dance along with the healthy exercise habits we establish often last a lifetime.
Arabesque will be offering in person classes with small class sizes.
Safety First
Arabesque will be meeting or exceeding all CDC and Dance USA guidelines.
Our waiting room is now open and all dancers may enter through our main entrance. Masks are welcomed but optional at this time.
We have added air purifiers with hospital grade filters to each studio.
We have put up screens and will keep an outside door open for fresh air into the dance rooms whenever possible.
We will limit our class sizes so our dancers can keep a distance of at least 6 feet.
We have marked off areas for each dancer as a distancing guide along with marks on barres and for across the floor.
If needed the following protocol will be put back into place.
Dancers will enter through the studio doors, instead of our main hall, to reduce exposure to others. Parents will be asked to drop off and pick up outside the class room no more than 5 minutes before class begins. Please be on time for pick up as we will need time for cleaning between classes.
Dancers will be greeted by a staff member upon arrival and asked about their health and receive a temperature check and hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer will be available in all dance rooms.
Our waiting room will be closed to families at this time. Only Dancers and staff will
be allowed in the studio at this time with the exception of our dancers 4 years and younger . Parents of our preschool dancers will be able to use the main door and walk their dancer into class and pick them up after class.
Masks may be required at times.
Dancers will bring their own water and will receive outdoor water breaks, weather permitting.
We will not share props, partner or learn dances with any close formations.
Dancers will be asked to join us virtually if they have any Covid-19 or flu like symptoms, if they have had a positive Covid-19 test or have been exposed to anyone with Covid-19. Please notify the studio if a dancer has had a positive
Covid-19 test.
If you have questions about our safety protocol or would like to come by and see how we have the studio set up please shoot us an email and we will be happy to set something up.